Casino Marker Default
When You Need Help With Casino Marker Default in Las Vegas
Many people do not like to walk around with large amounts of cash while out gambling in Las Vegas. Those that don’t usually put up front money or utilize casino markers. Front money is cash you deposit with the casino in advance and draw from in order to gamble. A casino marker is different, and is an interest-free short time period line of credit that allows you to obtain chips to gamble. The marker requires a signed “note”, the amount extended being determined through review of your cash on hand balances for 30-90 days in your checking account and a credit check through one of the big three bureaus. You generally have 30 days in which to repay a marker to the establishment. If you fail to repay the marker and default, it may incur both civil and criminal penalties in Nevada, the seriousness of which is determined by the cash amount drawn against the casino marker.
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Las Vegas Casino Marker Default Can Lead to Serious Charges
If you do not repay the marker within the prescribed time, most casinos will tender the note against your checking account. If the account has insufficient funds to cover the note, the transaction falls under “bad check” laws in Nevada, which carry serious repercussions. Some casinos will immediately initiate a civil suit to collect the funds, and refer the casino marker default to the District Attorney for prosecution. The District Attorney has the option of putting out a warrant for your arrest, and depending on the amount for which the marker was drawn, it can be either a misdemeanor or felony charge. Court and administrative fees as well as fines and jail time can be levied, in addition to the requirement that you repay the marker and administrative fees.
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Las Vegas Casino Marker Default
If you have been accused of casino marker default, it is recommended that you hire an experienced attorney to handle the matter. David Brown is knowledgeable in handling casino marker default issues and knows how to deal with the District Attorney’s office and the casino involved. Call or contact us through our online form to get professional, experienced help handling casino marker default challenges.