Land Use

Assistance with Land Use Planning in Las Vegas

Anyone who has been in Las Vegas for any length of time knows the area has experienced tremendous growth. The City of Las Vegas, along with Henderson and North Las Vegas, have foreseen the future and gone to great lengths to create and implement a long-range land use plan for the area, regulating development and the impact on natural resources. While much of the planning focuses on water and utilities in our desert environment, the land use Las Vegas plan also takes into account traffic, other environmental impact issues like light, noise, pollution, runoff and flood control, and other challenges. Las Vegas is proud that their proactive land use planning has proven successful, and the City enjoys standards well above federal averages for air, water, and other quality measures. The land use plan also addresses housing and transportation needs, trying to balance those with business growth and the somewhat finite available open landmass due to the large percentage of Nevada that is under federal control.

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Land Use Las Vegas

When you are planning on developing an area, opening a new business, or impacting the local environment with a business venture, you must work with the City of Las Vegas or one of the surrounding areas and include their long range land use plans in your considerations. Often the planning and zoning commission must approve your plans and they must comply with the overall community plan in place. There is a procedure for going through this process, as well as fees involved. Code enforcement is strict in Clark County and starting out on the right foot assures a much easier development timeline and being able to meet schedules for your project. An attorney who is knowledgeable in land use and the urban planning process can be a valuable asset in getting the approvals you need to precede. Contact Brown,Brown & Premsrirut for a consultation. We have many years of successful experience with the land use initiatives and how to get approvals done efficiently.

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