Weapons Charges
The Best Las Vegas Weapons Charge Attorney
Violating weapons carrying and possession laws in Nevada carries strict penalties. While there is some ambiguity due to some municipalities disavowing the concealed carry permitting in Nevada, Nevada and federal law supersedes those local rulings when it comes to weapons charges. Nevada law states that it is illegal for someone with a felony conviction to be in possession or proximity of a weapon, that you must have a concealed weapons permit to carry certain types and classes of weapons, and that a variety of crimes can worsen or complicate the charges brought against you if a weapon is present during the commission of them. Many people do not realize that casinos are one place you cannot carry in Nevada, and you can be charged if you do not obey casino personnel to leave or disarm immediately when they find you carrying. Any time you face a weapons charge in Nevada, you need a good criminal defense attorney to sort out the circumstances and handle your defense.
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More Than Firearms Can Lead to Weapons Charges Las Vegas
Weapons are not just handguns, rifles, or shotguns in Nevada. Explosives, knives, daggers, machetes, clothing items that have been modified to contain a knife, and other items may be considered weapons. While Nevada does not require registration of firearms, the regulations about concealed carry are stringent. A felon found in possession of a weapon can face one to six years of Class B felony jail time. If you are found carrying with an expired CWP you can also be charged with a felony. Weapons violations and the subsequent charges are serious and should be handled by an experienced attorney with knowledge of Nevada weapons and firearms law. Call David Brown for expert handling of Las Vegas weapons charges brought against you. Our fees are reasonable and we have the experience to help you with these issues.
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